Monday, 17 September 2012

The Good Ship Comedy

The problem with having a blog is that you need to actually write stuff... regularly.

It's been a mad week or two so apologies for the radio silence but big news on the horizon, more of which will come in later posts.

In the mean time there's been lots of gigs, meeting venues and comics, and general schmoozing. In particular I had the pleasure of popping in to The Good Ship Comedy on the Kilburn High Road last Monday courtesy of the wonderful resident host Juliet Stephens.

The Good Ship is a cracking venue involving a bar, floor, tables, beer and what can only be described as a cock fighting pit cunningly disguised as a good old fashioned mosh pit. With chairs.

Headlining the night was the guitar wielding, loop FX pedaling (and pedaling) Rob Deering. I've seen Rob a few times and am always struck by how it always takes me five minutes to work out that time hasn't folded back on itself and brought a young Robert Llewellyn (Kryten from Red Dwarf) back to the stage. I'm currently petitioning the Red Dwarf writers to write in a story of Kryten's misspent youth just to give Rob a shot at challenging the mechanoid master.
KrytenRob Deering

Anyhoo, Rob was, as always, awesome, Juliet controlled the night with relaxed aplomb and the only down side was missing out on winning the 99p shop bag raffle.

Considering it's a weekly gig, it's amazing how consistently strong every line-up is.

There are rumours of some changes at The Good Ship Comedy but more on that later. If you haven't  had a chance to liven your Monday's here you really should.

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