Monday 2 July 2012

009 Jayson Bend in "Queen & Country"

Well it's been a rather interesting week. I had my first ever film audition. I've never acted in my life and was asked to audition for the role of a spoof James Bond, Queen & Country. I suspect this was more out of cruel curiosity than any identification of a hitherto undiscovered acting talent I had but I dutifully popped along to a back lot studio in White City.

I can tell you now that the whole thing was a lot of fun, not least because the project was written by the wonderful Andrew Faure and directed by Andrew and Matt Carter. I've known Andrew for a few years now and love the look of his projects.

I won't give the story away but it's essentially a gay James Bond - Jayson Bend, with a 'y', in this incarnation - saving the world from a hair dresser oligarch with evil plans afoot to run every salon in the world.

Not being gay I thought I could really add something to the role but needless to say I didn't get it. Maybe I could try for the role of Bend's Swiss sidekick Alec de Coque, or the evil scientist Dr Tu Yung.

Any how, filming will be over the next couple of months but in the meantime get your furtive follicles fondled by the intro sequence:

By the way, films cost money to make so donate here: and get, like, stuff.

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